One of the most affected age groups through the World Pandemic have been children and teens. Younger children and those with special needs don’t have the capacity to comprehend a pandemic. They see their daily routines that they depend on to make sense of their world disrupted in many different ways without being able to understand the reason. Moreover, adolescents who look forward to and value the socialization that is age appropriate for their adolescent years, find themselves distraught, depressed, isolated, and missing out on once in a lifetime experiences that will not be rescheduled. During these unprecedented times of crisis, disruption, and change MHC, has established themselves as one of the leaders in the delivery of trauma informed care services via a multitude of evidence-based treatment modalities. We have a multi-faceted team of mental health professionals with specialized training in the delivery of mental health services specifically tailored to the needs of our unique clients and their families.