MHC delivers programs specifically for hundreds of assisted living facilities and Nursing Homes. MHC will come to you! We service the entire state of Florida and More!

Treatment Team Model is our main approach to serving the needs of your specific population. Each team is led by a licensed clinical psychologist and may include other psychologists, neuropsychologists, post-doctoral fellows and pre-doctoral interns and lcsws. Our teams are individualized to fit each specific facility. Our treatment team model supports optimal evaluation of your residents’ needs and provides for a range of services. Our model also promotes direct and effective communication with your staff, as well as consultation services on site or via telehealth. In addition, the agency provides on-site psychiatric care for patients in need of psychotropic evaluation and management.  The goal is to treat the individual needs of patients in a holistic manner, taking into consideration the simultaneous employment of medical and therapeutic interventions.

Individual psychotherapy

involves discussions between the patient and a mental health professional that may focus on current and past difficulties, experiences, thoughts and feelings. These difficulties, may occur in relationships, activities of daily living, and in familial relationships. In sharing experiences with a trained therapist, patients gradually come to understand more about themselves, their difficulties and, as a result, develop an improved attitude toward staff and others, as well as new skills.

Group therapy

is a very effective type of psychotherapy. Individuals facing similar issues meet to discuss their own difficulties and offer support to the other members of the group. Groups also focus on skill building and help to create a positive therapeutic environment in your specific setting. Many types of groups are offered including creative art therapy, cognitive strengthening, coping skills, smoking cessation and many others. Groups can also be developed for your specific patient populations and needs.


is available through our latest technology and will enhance the therapy experience if the therapist is not able to be physically present for a session. We have several innovative options that can be tailor made to suit the individual facility needs based on any number of issues that can affect in person therapy sessions. The same technology and accommodation are available for psychiatric care. By relinquishing the barriers to treatment via telehealth, the clinician is able to maximize access to psychotropic evaluation and management in a private and confidential setting.

Common treatment issues:

  • Memory Care
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Schizophrenia
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Addiction
  • Medical Issues
  • Medication Use & Abuse
  • Loss of Ability
  • Sexual Dysfunction
  • Declining Independence
  • Self-Esteem and Relationship Issues
  • Family Difficulties